Bentley Substation Help

To Create a Panel Layout First

If you wish to begin your design by placing components in a Panel Layout Drawing, use the following procedure:
  1. Create a Project, then Create a New Page. When you create the page, use an appropriate scale factor in the Scale Factor field.
  2. Set the software's Drawing Mode to Panel Layout Drawing . You can select the drawing mode when you create the page, or you can select it from the Drawing Mode field on the drawing screen.

  3. Place devices in the drawing using either the Insert Symbol By Name or the Insert Symbol By Part Number function. A number of layout symbols are included with Bentley Substation . The names of these symbols all begin with the letters L- . You can also create custom layout symbols.
  4. You must assign a part number to each symbol if you later wish to place items from the Panel Layout into a schematic or other diagram by means of a pick list using the Insert Symbol By Device ID function.
  5. If you have no preference for device IDs, accept the IDs that are prompted by the software. Later, when you create a schematic or other type of diagram, you can use the Insert Symbol By Device ID function to select and place the items from the panel layout. If you have made the schematic mode the primary mode, then the device ID will be converted to the format used in the schematic diagram (such as page/line number). This conversion will occur both in the schematic and in the panel layout.